Participate in the project
Participation is above all an exchange, a collaboration, a journey towards a common objective.
If you feel concerned by the values that Flores de Vida promotes, then come and share with us the daily life of the project, both in terms of the work and maintenance of the place, as well as the sharing of everything that makes life in Flores de Vida (yoga, singing, dancing, music, meditation, etc.).
There are different ways to participate. If you want to participate even more actively in the adventure, welcome to you. If you have skills that you want to value, there’s room for you to express yourself. If no other options are indicated, contact us via our form if necessary. You can participate…
- on the land, by coming for an activity session.
- remotely, from home (translations, website management, etc.).
- through financial support.
- by spreading the project around you and on social networks.
- by ordering Flores de Vida products.
- by coming to live in Flores de Vida to build the project on a daily basis.