Flores de Vida is situated between plantations and rural area about five kilometres distant from the next village called Maella and only to reach by dirt roads. There is no public transport and virtually no private traffic from Maella to Flores de Vida.
Moving around
We assume that you checked already our information about how to come to Maella. After confirming your visit you will get access to the details for coming to Flores de Vida itself.
For the transport in the course of a session or other event that includes the shuttle service we will use our van. In general it will be only used for the transfer at the beginning and the end of an event. The van is not available for personal excursions. There might be always the chance to get a ride when we leave for other things like shopping. We try to minimize the need of using the car and combine as much transactions as possible with each ride.
The idea is to leave all the cars on the parking side and only move them on the main area for charging and discharging things that are to difficult to carry. There is an old tractor to transport materials on the terrain. There might be also the chance of having a least one intact bike during your stay that can be used for cycling around and even for going to Maella. We offer this on the assumption of you taking good care and repair possible damages.